It goes on to add, among other things, that support for Office 2016 was meant to be for only five years and these are going to run out in less than two months and a half from now. Launch Finder and then select Applications. In fact, most online help content will be retired.“

Repeat this step to delete all items for your Exchange account. In the search results, select each item to view the Account that's listed at the top, and then press Delete. You’ll no longer receive security updates. In the search field in Keychain Access, enter Exchange.
You’ll no longer receive Office 2016 for Mac software updates from Microsoft Update.If you dont have your key, see get your HUP product key. Resolution: This issue is due to your computer either running old software or a volume license version of Office 2019 for Mac, rather than the Office 365. Step 3: Enter your Office product key, without hyphens. Step 2: In the Sign in to set up Office window, select I dont want to sign in or create an account (its a small link at the bottom of the window). But here’s what the end of support means for you: Step 1: Start an Office app, like Word, Project, or Visio, depending on your purchase. Rest assured that all your Office 2016 apps will continue to function-they won’t disappear from your Mac, nor will you lose any data. “ Support for Office 2016 for Mac will end on October 13, 2020. (Curiously, it is the same day as the EOL of Office 2010 for Windows.) More about the EOL of Office 2016 for Mac here: